Sarah Flint Perfect Emma Pumps
I would highly recommend the Sarah Flint Brand if you are looking to invest in quality heels for your daily work wardrobe!


Don’t forget to use my code BANKECHI50 for $50 off!


I’m absolutely loving my Sarah Flint Perfect Emma pumps. They are super stylish, with EXTRA comfort with a classic flair. I love that the quality of these heels are TOP NOTCH. And with the right care I plan to keep these babies in my shoe collection for some years, for sure. (These Sarah Flint pumps are gifted). If you are looking to purchase a pair, use my code BANKECHI50 for $50 off!

In 2020, I made it a priority to begin to invest and only include items in my wardrobe that are great quality and are classic pieces. I especially think this is important for my daily work wear items. If we think about the amount of time that we spend at work, it’s only right that we invest in pieces that can withstand the hours that we dedicate to our office lives. SO when this year came around, I looked at the majority of the pieces in my wardrobe, I was highly disappointed knowing that I would be fine with selling/donating the majority of the items in my closet. It actually really made me upset knowing that I consciously purchased these items, now most of them have gone to waste. So when it comes to shopping for ANY item I ask myself.

Could I see myself wearing this piece for 2-5 years ?

If I don’t see myself wearing the piece for years, or if it’s not a classic item that I don’t believe i will get a lot of wear out of it then I put the item down. Honestly, I’ve never really looked at clothing as an investment. Which is really odd, because when you think about it, the items that you put on your back are used SO often, and I’m sure you wash them frequently. So it’s important to be thoughtful about the items in your wardrobe. So when I sat down and thought about why my closet looks so dingy and unflattering, it’s simply because I’ve purchased items that are really trendy or are low quality.

So with that being said, I will be purchasing from brands that create chic, quality, pieces that will withstand a lot of wear. And Sarah Flint happens to be one of those brands. I am super happy to add these Sarah Flint heels into my collection. And will continue to share with you all my favorite pieces from this brand. If you’ve tried any Sarah Flint footwear, which ones are your favorite?!