Dating in the Workplace

Dating a coworker. Can it be messy? Yes and/or no. Here’s how to avoid the drama. Many organizations tend to implement policies and guidelines regarding their rules around dating in the workplace. This is an integral component to maintain boundaries between personal romantic relations within a professional setting. If you are considering dating someone in the workplace, really think this through! AND KEEP READING TO UNDERSTAND WHY!

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You should always consider what the worst-case scenario could be. You also want to consider, how this decision could impact your role and position. First things first, look into your company’s policies.

Ask your yourself if this is a relationship that you would honestly consider taking seriously now and in the future! Really think through whether or not the potential “risk” is worth the benefit to help inform your decision. While you look into your company’s policies, you want to ensure that this is something that won’t get you into any trouble as far as what is and what is not allowed in the workplace. Read on to understand what steps should be taken.


I always err on the side of caution, so I have never even thought of dating in the workplace. EVER. However if you’re in a situation where a potential relationship could arise.


Take the time to truly consider whether this is a serious relationship that you want to pursue. 

Once you make that determination, look into any HR policies around what is permissible in the workplace.

Decide who the relevant parties are to whom you should disclose the relationship.


Think of important parties as your manager, human resources, etc. They will help guide you to determine if a permanent change needs to be made in terms of employee placement in departments or teams, and any other HR relevant guidance that you may need to consider in this scenario.

AGAIN, this cannot be said enough. Determine whether or not this is a decision that you can live with. If so, ensure that you share this information with whoever needs to be informed. 

Finally, if you do date someone in the workplace, ensure that you maintain all levels of professionalism. Similarly, to that of working with a family member, you need to make certain that boundaries are not crossed and that you are cognizant of your relationship’s impact on your work.

This impact may be in the form of workplace performance, discomfort felt by your coworkers, or pressures felt by yourself to behave inappropriately in your work environment. Yes, workplace cultures may vary, but the main thing here is that you want to make certain that the lines between your personal relationship and your work expectations are not blurred.

DISCLAIMER: The piece written here is not associated with any company or organization, but is simply the expressed opinions of the blogger.