

My Experience with Wearing Natural Hair in the Office

My Experience with Wearing Natural Hair in the Office

By (@Corporate_Curly) As a woman of color in Corporate America, navigating through the confines of what is deemed “professional,” at times creates an unusual burden when embracing natural coils on the job. This “burden” is not uncommon for women with curly or coily hair, and it’s one that can cause emotions of feeling “stuck” in a predicament where you are…

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Welcome To My Blog!

Welcome To My Blog!

Thank you, thank you, thank you Thank you, thank you, thank you for stopping by and checking out my page. I really appreciate any and all support to Corporate Curly! I am soo excited to start this journey of blogging and building a strong connection with the community that I’ve connected with since starting Corporate Curly. I started posting natural hairstyles…

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Work Wear: Trouser Edition

Work Wear: Trouser Edition

I’ve grown to really love trousers. All types, but high-waisted trousers are probably my favorite. It’s funny, because I used to love to wear dresses and skirts to work. Something about it was so feminine but powerful to me. Nowadays, I’m all for throwing on a pair of good pants and running out of the house. I think it’s also…

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