Are You In Need of Closet Clarity? A Capsule Wardrobe Might Be Right For You.
Capsule Wardrobe

Many have heard of the term “capsule wardrobe”, but not everyone knows its origin or how exactly to achieve it.

There’s no need to worry, it’s easier than you might think!

A capsule wardrobe is a concept that has shifted in meaning and motive since its creation back in the 1970s. Author and wardrobe consultant Susie Faux is credited with first coining the term, but the concept of the capsule wardrobe did not become well known until 1985 when Donna Karan created the first capsule collection.

So, what exactly is a capsule wardrobe today?

The concept of the capsule wardrobe has been revised countless times with brands and influencers such as InStyle, Un-Fancy, and Courtney Carver giving us many ways to apply this idea to our own lives.

Put simply, a capsule wardrobe is a condensed collection of quality clothing that is ACTUALLY worn and loved by its owner. The fundamental concepts behind capsule wardrobes are minimalism, intention, and versatility.

If you require guidance, there are plenty of capsule wardrobe programs that you can follow such as the Un-Fancy Challenge, Project 333, or the 10×10 Challenge, to name a few.

Less Is More

Minimalism is one of the foundational principles of creating capsule wardrobes. Typically, this kind of wardrobe consists of anywhere from 33 to 37 articles of clothing and accessories.

Frightening, right? It doesn’t have to be.

Now, I know the idea of drastically reducing your closet size sounds daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many popular tips for effectively paring down your closet. Organization expert Marie Condo suggests that you only keep items that “spark joy”.  

Fashion designer Misha Nonoo advises that you turn all the hangers in your closet backward, and what you do not turn forward by the end of the season, you get rid of.

Additionally, lifestyle blogger Caroline Rector advocates that you should remove EVERYTHING from your closet so that you can see your wardrobe with a fresh set of eyes.

Whatever you prefer, make sure it fits your lifestyle and needs. 

Whichever you choose, the thing to remember is that there isn’t one right or wrong way to do it. You may follow a plan that includes shoes and accessories in your limited number of items. Or you might prefer Style Bee’s 10×10 Challenge where accessories aren’t included.

Countless benefits have been touted alongside the capsule wardrobe. Some of which include, clarity in outfit selections (you only own pieces that can be paired easily and always look good), more time for what you find important (not your closet), helps support the environment (say goodbye to fast fashion), and you’ll specifically define your style (you’ll only be left with the best items from your closet). Not to mention, you save money!

Now, how do you maintain a capsule wardrobe?

Many of us enjoy shopping, but often we end up with clothing articles that don’t really fit who we are. Maintaining your capsule wardrobe is important for this reason. 

Ways to combat this frustration are to refrain from shopping during the “pare down” phase of your capsule wardrobe. Next, avoid fast fashion as much as possible, or resort to limited items that you LOVE and are quality pieces. Lastly, select pieces that are extremely versatile like jumpsuits, jeans, blazers, trousers, and bags.

DISCLAIMER: The piece written here is not associated with any company or organization, but is simply the expressed opinions of the blogger.